Saturday, September 16, 2023

Love of my Past!

There is an unfathomable hole in my soul,

Deep down lives the memory of the past of

the unsatiated unquenched love of my life.


Some movies, some music, some words,

Some rain, in times some shine, some couples,

reminds me of me-with-you as you-with-me.


Like the petrichor, like the blooming jasmine,

like the smell on baby skin, your fragrance sleeps

in my philtrum and it wakes in time like a alarm.


And my soul rejuvenates from slumber and I dwell

in the past to see if that can be turned to present,

to relive to relieve the weight of the memories with you.


When there is a knock on my window sill by the rain,

 I reckon the day you rejected my umbrella walk, and

When the same rain drops touches my cheeks,

I remember the day we walked together under the umbrella.


You held my arm like a baby holding her mothers neck,

the rain, the umbrella, the togetherness doesn’t exist today

but the scorches of your palm, your tender love is still a scar!  
