Friday, March 4, 2022

This or That!

Like the mouth, why water does goes in not,

Instead jumps out from the eyes!

Alas, difference do exist between the parts,

From where comes the water that decides!

Difference when thy hand pours the water into

And when thy heart pours it out to!

Who decides what goes and what comes out,

Of course the complexity of the perplex situation.

Like a sword in the hand and your self behind,

You can stab yourself or fence yourself.

Pray for that you lost and quench your heart,

Cry for what you lost or pray for the loss.

The lose of words to write is not

But the fog of words stops a writer.

The love that he left is naught

But the love that stays in heart hurts.

Storm or monsoon brings rain a lot!

The intense of love or loss makes the difference.

Who cares! Who reads! So here I stop,

Listen to your beats, it’s too is my heart.



Love to hear from you. Drop your words for my heart; I can skip a beat for you.